Sustainability Policy
(The Parnell Hotel & Conference Centre) is committed to do its part to reduce its footprint and become more sustainable across all operations.
Being a 100% New Zealand Owned and independently operated Hotel the rebranding in 2020 to an independent identity has given Management the flexibility required to fulfil its sustainability goal.
Below are examples of the initiatives implemented thus far:
Removal of all plastic water bottles from guest rooms. Bin liners throughout the Hotel have been replaced with biodegradable bags. Ongoing commitment to eliminate plastic use throughout Hotel operations.
EcoWare coffee cups introduced in Gladstones Café Restaurant. EcoWare is a plant based product which is commercially compostable.
All guest toiletries replaced with HealthPak's Forest & Bird range of products. With use of bathroom dispensers and large volume containers, we can greatly reduce waste with recyclable containers.

Partnered with Supertrash/Green Gorilla and installed composting bins in Gladstone's Café Restaurant kitchen to collect all food waste which is collected and composted rather than heading to the landfill.
Work with New Zealand based suppliers who demonstrate environmental awareness and shared values as well as use of more sustainable packaging material with deliveries.
Partnered with DreamGreen to have their pillows in all guest rooms. These are made from 25 recycled plastic bottles and deliver a comfortable sleep and are hype-allergenic. You can lean more here
LED Lighting replacement of external lighting with an ongoing program of replacement in other areas of the Hotel.
New initiatives implemented will be updated here as they happen. We may be undertaking trials at anytime to see if new processes help us achieve our Sustainability Policy.
We have been awarded a Qualmark Silver Sustainable Tourism Business Award based on an annual inspection of our facilities and practices to inspect our overall commitment to a sustainable tourism industry. While the Qualmark Sustainable Tourism Business Award is measured across more areas than just environmental we are committed across all key areas to improve our best practices and play our part to be sustainable in the tourism space.

Sustainable Tourism New Zealand
The Parnell Hotel & Conference Centre signed up to the Tourism Industry Aotearoa (TIA) Sustainability Commitment which is a framework of 12 commitments that businesses work towards to help create a long term sustainable tourism industry.